Even more advantages of being in a Church Boom Cohort
This is an amazing collaboration.
Read on to see how you can book your RPLNISH Experience today.
Church Boom
Church Boom and RPLNISH are partnering to give even greater impact to cohort members. Each cohort participant recieves a RPLNISH Experience.
It is important to lead from our strengths. Church Boom Is offering an additional layer to the coaching platform with a RPLNISH Experience.
Ask your Church Boom coach for more information.
What is next?
Read below and follow instructions to reserve your space.
Join a Church Boom cohort
The Experiences are curated by RPLNISH exclusively for Church Boom.
If you are already part of a chort and have been invited, read on a register below. If you are not part of a Church Boom cohort or have not yet been invited, please reach out to your Church Boom cohort coach for more info.
Get Some Information
Our facilities for this RPLNISH Experience are in Eden Ridge, TN approximately two hours east of Nashville. We are at a beautiful executive retreat facility near the smokey mountains. Plan on lots of rest, adventure and relaxing.
Our Journey begins with you signing up. In the time following we will have a chance to interact with a short read, a zoom call, and a few informational emails. Closer to the trip we will start a text thread and begin building a little more community.
We will have lots of time to chill, hike, nap, connect, eat and more. Some trips can feature hiking to a waterfall, fishing, pickleball, golf, mini golf and more. Each trip is uniquely curated with our RPLNISH team and your cohort leader. More details from your coach.
Our goal is to turn a 4 day RPLNISH trip into a 4 month journey.
We will all meet at the Nashville airport (BNA typically around 2pm) and begin with caffiene, a great meal and spend some time connecting. We will drive together to the property and then the real fun begins. We will end in the same spot (BNA) at 2pm and you can fly out anytime after 4pm.
Since the main portion of this RPLNISH Experience has been paid forward by churches and other generous donors, all you need to pay for is your transportation to BNA.
---> More info about our location here
Being a leader is tough. It's even tougher when we don't take time for ourselves, but who has time for that, right? Leading is doing so much for so many others that time away, investing in ourselves, seems like a luxury we can't afford. But not taking time away, sharpening the saw, and replenishing ourselves is a recipe for disaster. The price of not replenishing, not doing soul care is way more costly than taking time to invest in ourselves.
A few blogs for additional reading. Make the links below hidden links that direct to the blogs.
* We ALL need replenishing!
* Survey Says...
* Life Giving PracticesThe goal of our Experiences is to allow you time to catch your breath, connect with some new people, eat well, and have some new experiences. We don't list all the details of our Experiences because we all spend too much time in the minutia and because we like a little mystery. But we can always give some additional info if you really want it.
We began RPLNISH with the goal of keeping pastors and leaders healthier and in ministry longer. Our services include 4 day, 3 night RPLNISH Experience but also, keynotes, pulpit ministry, staff training, coaching, soul care and consulting. If we can be of service to you or your church or organization please let us know.
Also, check us out on the socials #RPLNISH
Find your cohort below and register.
Please consider the following when commiting to this trip.
1. You need this more than you think.
2. Once you sign up, you will think up 100 reasons on why you don't have time to go. This is more proof that you should!
3. You are commiting to being with your peers on this trip. You need them and they need you.
4. You get out of this what you put in. Prepare yourself by getting excited, praying and maybe even fasting a bit.
5. Registration link coming December 2024.
--> March 10-13, Dean Deguara and Eric Daniel
--> April 28-May 1, Mitch Ivey and Terry Johnston
--> June 2-5, Ron Woods and Darryl Wootton
--> July 28-31, Donovan Reed and Jason Norman
--> August 18-21, Hannah Wakeman (female pastors)
--> September 15-18, Mike Quinn, David Amsden and Mike Sanders
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