So, 2023 was an amazing year in so many ways. We saw so many new face, lots of familure ones. We added a couple of new partner properties, saw more pastors and leaders than any previous year. We even did our first international trip for non English speaking, non American pastors. We have so much to be thankful for.
RPLNISH started as a practicle outlet to give pastors a chance to dialogue and pray with each other. In August 2019, we formally launched, Rawd started working full time for RPLNISH and a few months later became an official 501c3 in the state of Texas. Here we are four years later and with the help of God and lots of amazing pastors, leaders, influencers, board members, facililtotors and partner properties, we have come a long way.
2023 at a glance
* Participants - 223
* Churches - 164
* Number of trips - 22
* Number of Parishoners - 24,600*
Total Numbers
* Participants - 1099
* Churches - 525
* Number of trips - 120
* Number of Parishoners - 78,750*
*Based on 150 average size congregation