MORE IN 2019
Pastoring is not getting easier. We live in trying times and those who help others need help themselves.
Life is tougher, people are messier and ministry gets more demanding. That is why there is Replenish. There have been several recent reports of Pastors being overly stressed, in need of medication and even cases of suicide. Pastors need encouragement, spiritual help and connectivity to peers.
Replenish is proactively and preventatively investing into the lives of our leaders but the need persists.
Already two trips into 2019, God moved and they were both amazing. They were full to capacity, full of amazing Pastors and full of God stories. Our cohort and other post-trip initiatives are in full swing.
Replenishing Duck Retreat
The annual Louisiana Replenish duck retreat had some incredible spiritual victories and breakthroughs with the 30 men who braved the weather and the swamp.
One pastor (who typically attends but couldn't this year due to cancer treatments) lamented his absence but shared later how he felt the prayers of those present who interceded for his healing. Another pastor sobbed as the men gathered around him, laid hands on his shoulders, and prayed for God's grace to extend from him onto his wife, kids, and those in his church. God truly shows up when we retreat away, get out in His creation, and watch the Holy Spirit show up!"
It was awesome to invest into twelve millennials who are not only on the front line of ministry doing Youth Ministry but who represent the future of ministry.
Our First Ever Student Pastor Trip
By Jonathan Wilkerson
How a van ride changed my life
If I were to tell you that a van full of Youth Pastors changed my life, one might think I’m being extreme. I found myself on a journey with a diverse group of guys with different educational backgrounds, church styles, theologies, familes and life experiences yet with one common desire....Replenishing. MORE
I am a Youth Pastor and most would think my life-changing van ride might refer to me leaving the ministry or the disheartening stats of Youth Pastors; most staying less than two years which leaves many students seeing multiple Youth Pastors come and go as they manage their Jr and Sr High School years.
The van full of Youth Pastors that changed my life was my Replenish Group. With all different educations, church styles, families, and life experience our collaboration was something amazing. None of us started the trip with anything other than a desire to grow and well, replenish and that is exactly what happened. From night one, with no regard for pride, these young men opened up. They wanted something more than a fun trip to Dallas, Texas. From what I have seen in my 10 years of in ministry it can take a little while to break through the walls that young leaders put up. These walls can come from ego, pride, hurt, and sometimes inexperience. This was not the case for my trip and the life change that happened was an answer to many prayers.
For anyone who is an alumnus of Replenish, we all know that the food, fun, and experiences are amazing but what makes Replenish unique is the brotherhood that comes with your group. This trip fit the mold of Replenish to the tee. This group of Youth Pastors included six from North Carolina, one from Houston, three from Dallas, and one from Colorado. Even though there were only eleven of us I have never seen so much brisket devoured, so many falls from a mechanical bull, and so much desire to be Replenished. Our cohort will see one of us get married this year, another close in on completing his education, and one who has already taken a major leap into ministry role that he never expected. Our brotherhood is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life and I truly believe that all alumnus can agree with me on that one.
For anyone who is a donor to this kingdom cause, thank you. Without you this would never have happened. Your following of what God had on your life has changed my ministry forever. There is no doubt that this trip helped every man who was a part of it but for a couple of guys I truly believe this trip could have saved their ministry. Burnout is a major factor for many leaders in ministry and it doesn’t take decades to reach this point. We are seeing this more and more and because of your donation to this kingdom cause, burnout was not able to take hold in the lives of these youth pastors.
We are working with two international denominations to get replenish initiatives in their camps and conferences this year. MORE
We are also working with other national groups, sectional denominational groups, multi-church geographic groups and strategic partnerships with other non-profits. We are linking with denominations, national organizations, other non-profits and local communities to spread the message of Replenish in seminars, camps and monthly meetings.
We completed our trip “curriculum”. We are adapting it for staff in-services and one day retreats.
Alumni Cohorts.
We have regional and video call post-trip cohorts taking place each month. If you would like to help host or join one please lets us know.
Our next few trips include an emphasis on Church planters, our alumni community, and destination Guatemala. We are also booking trips for our Sept and Oct dates.
We found a great partnership with The Cowboy Church in Waxachaie and Pastor Matt Sosebee. This was the second time Pastor Matt hosted us. This time the church put us on the mechanical bull. Giddy-yup.
Huge and special thanks to Josue, Lorena, Maria, The Culpepper House, and Pop Top Coffee you are all our favorites.