Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
--Abraham Lincoln
Covid19 caught everyone by surprise. Everyone was scrambling, pivoting, getting online, calling the entire church, doing more, working harder. Soon, we will try to find a new normal. That means, more work, longer hours and more scrambling.

Timeline: Busy now, busier Fall, here come the Holidays, then New Year.....Oh no - Burnout
It will take some time this Fall and Summer to get things figured out and then the Holidays will be waiting to suck some additional life out of us. So, it looks like there won't be much rest between now and the first of the year UNLESS WE MAKE IT A PRIORITY. If we don't prioritize this and plan and calendar it now, it most likely won't happen.
You see, I'm nervous about January 2021. If Pastors and leaders don't take time to sharpen the saw this Fall, they wont have much to give once the Holidays come and go. I'm concerned that if we don't do things right, January and February will see lots of burnout, turnover and maybe worse.
Two thoughts about staying fresh, NOW.
2. Sign up for a Replenish experience today