If you have been part of a RPLNISH Experience you know about rest, lifechange and long term impact. #IYKYK.
But we do more. Our goal is to keep ministers healthier and in ministry longer and we do that in many ways. Below we outline a few possibilities but if we can dream of any other ways, lets do it.

1. Keynote (pulpit) Speaking - Lets bring RPLNISH to your people. Rawd can motivate and inspire your congregation to live a more replenished lifestyle. We can do so much more when we live from our overflow.
2. In-services - We can train your team to take better care of their souls. As they do they can better take care of others. We do half day and full day trainings for your staff, board and leaders.
3. RPLNISH weekends - Together we can reach your community. We can do replenishing and soul care weekends designed to have fun, reach others and train your team to be champions of health and longevity.
4. Executive Coaching - We all need someone in our corner to believe in us, encourage us and challenge us to lead from a different perspective. If we do the same thing, expecting differenct results, we might need help. We can coach you to be a more effective version of you.
5. Sabbatical help - Getting ready for some time away? Rest is not an accident. We help hundreds of pastors and leaders get replenished, we can help you prepare for your time away and make it more beneficial.