My Rplenish experience was life changing. The scenery, activities, soul care chats and time with other pastors was just what I needed to keep going forward in ministry. One specific opportunity that refueled me was the afternoon I got in the bluffs of Tennessee just me and Jesus. Among the noise of kids, ministry, email and phone, it’s hard to get solitude and silence, but I found it for a few hours in the mountains. God reminded me He was there. He showed me places in my life I needed to stop pushing and gave me fresh vision in others. I got ideas about how to better keep some “mountainside time” in my weekly, monthly and yearly routine. In short, God restored my soul. I am so thankful that Rawd and his team opened up the door for an opportunity like this. My ministry (and my wife) are thankful too!
~Jesse Stirnemann
~Harvest Ridge Church
Jesse is a pretty fun guy (as seen in the video above) but also very serious about evangelism. Below is an excerpt from his book on evangelism. You can get more details on him and the book on his social links below.